Unemployment: tips to face the fear of losing your job – Personal Finance – Economy

Losing a job is one of the concerns of many people, this is due to the economic needs that must be met.

In addition, the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) reported, in December 2022, that unemployment in Colombia stood at 9.5 percent. in November of that same year.

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But this situation cannot be the end, so some experts explain how you can handle a period without a job and how to prepare to look for a new one.

The Spanish newspaper The confidential spoke with the psychologist Alexandra Arranzwho said that people “should not blame themselves, because the reasons for dismissal can be many.”

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The expert added that “Although the ego can take a hit from a layoff, if seen as a starting point, it can lead to an opportunity to improve.”

For this reason, she encourages taking a day off to take things easy and then think and plan how she wants her return to work to be and the conditions in which she wants to return.

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In that planning, Arranz told The confidential that the boundaries between work life and social life must be established.

other tips

What is advisable in this case is “not to send resumes left and right,” according to labor expert César Escobar, in past dialogue with EL TIEMPO, since it is not advisable to find a job in which the guarantees are not ideal.

Also, do not let yourself be carried out by the pressure of the family environment or friends to make decisions about your future work because this may result in a wrong decision that compromises your future.

As time goes by and no offers arrive, feelings that may arise are disbelief and other depression. The mistake typical of this phase is to blame the environment (the country and the labor market, for example) for the lack of opportunities and not reflect on the mistakes that may be making in the job search.

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